Quality Education

Swami Vivekananda once said, “To me, the very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collection of facts.” This is true, indeed! It makes us question, what makes a person truly educated? An education is a cumulation of lessons and experiences that gives the child an ability to cope up with the future…

Drug Abuse & Addiction

Introduction:The problem of drug abuse and addiction among youth is increasing rapidly. Many teenagers and young adults are using drugs, and the problem is spreading to various age groups, especially those aged 16 to 25.Why do teens get influenced to use drugs?There are many reasons why teens and young adults use drugs. Some do it…

School Life

School life is and will forever be the best part of my life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students’ lives. I still laugh with friends when we retell funny stories about what happened in some of…

Children Of 80’S​

I was BORN in 80’s. The last SANE generation! – We are the last generation that learnt to play in the street, we are the first who’ve played video games, seen cartoons in color and went to amusement parks. – We were the last to record songs of the radio on cassettes and we are…

The Goddess And The Buffalo​

The story is about Mahishaasur – the Buffalo headed demon king who created havoc in all the worlds causing great destruction to earth.There are many folk traditions where a buffalo is sacrificed to please the Gram Devi, or the village deity Marikamba temple in Sirsi, Karnataka, had a ritual of raising a he-buffalo and killing it during the  Rathotsava. The Pokharaaj folktale talks…