
VPM’s B. R. Tol English High School is a premier English medium School affiliated with the CBSE, located in Mulund East, a leading suburb of Mumbai. The School is managed by Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s Trust, Mulund which has been in existence since 26th March 1960 started by Kannada speaking linguistic minority who originally hailed from Karnataka.
In 1972, an English Pre-Primary and Primary School came into existence which in 1976 grew as B.R. Tol English High School. Till 2008 it was a state board, later on in 2009 onwards we adopted the CBSE board.Carrying forward the legacy of excellence in education, VPM’s B.R Tol rolls ahead as a progressive educational institution, keeping pace with the changing times and catering to the needs of contemporary society with classes from Nursery to Grade 10. Our school has approximately 550 students. The school follows the progressive pattern of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) with state-of-the-art including digital/IT-enabled classrooms, a secure network of CCTV cameras, and well-equipped labs for Computers, Science, Social Science, and Maths. A Conference Room with Interactive Boards and a multi-purpose Auditorium is available for the use of students.
The school has given 100% results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in co-curricular activities too. It is presently managed under the able administration of Mrs Ajitha K. Nair, with a total of 50 staff members.

Greetings to all.It is really a great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.

Productivity is never an accident
It is always the result of the COMMITMENT to EXCELLENCE,

VPM’s BRTOL English High school, the abode of Goddesses Saraswathi, also aims to mould the students to diligent, contemplative, and thoughtful individuals who can develop their potential to the core by encircling the all-round education that makes the child Spiritually Oriented, Intellectually Informed, Physically Well Developed, Emotionally Balanced and Socially Concerned Citizens of India. 

When I say this, I am not neglecting the fact that the widening abyss that has been created in the education field because of the pandemic has not recuperated fully. To be free from that, Teaching -Learning process should be more colorful, more interactive, and above all Result oriented.
We are living in a state with a rich diversity of culture, hence we cannot underestimate the importance of Value based education which goes beyond the Academic field, Exams and Good results. In VPM, we aim at the Holistic Development of the child to empower the student by providing Motivational, Emotional and Strategic support.

The era of education system which promotes a Mindless Rat Race with Grading system, mugging up thousands of answers, Grasping the things without getting the concept has disappeared with the advent of New NEP Policy. The new education policy of 2022 focuses on the pillars such as ACCESS, EQUITY, QUALITY, AFFORDABILITY, and ACCOUNTABILITY.

It also aims to make education more inclusive, equitable and accessible to all with a special emphasis on marginalized communities. In VPM, we emphasize the development of skills needed for the 21st century such as Creativity, Critical thinking and Problem solving, thus to transform the next generation into a Global Knowledge Super Power, who can face the challenges and opportunities of the 21 st century boldly rather than a frog in the well.

In our school ,students will no longer be graded on how well they remember the information from the books ,but on how well they can use their knowledge to solve the problems in the real world instead of rote learning. For achieving these standards ,we have the strong support from the backbone of the institute ,a panel of highly qualified , eminent, socially committed visionaries in the Management Committee, and the highly qualified and dedicated teachers and non-teaching staff who devote themselves for the betterment of the next generation. 

In VPM, we also provide all types of activities to the students like Aerobics, Skating, Chess, Karate etc. to ensure the holistic development of the child. We encourage our students to participate in all types of competitive exams like Olimpiads, Homi Bhabha, Scholarship NTS, MTS etc from the very first standard itself to make the child confident from the beginning itself. In Order to enrich the child with our Indian culture and tradition we give special attention to get recognition on Geeta chanting competitions conducted by Chinmaya mission and our students made their own record in it .The inter school competitions conducted during the academic year in Debates, Extempore speech, essay writing, science exhibition etc fortify the child to shine in inter school platforms and thus to bring laurels to add more colours on the feather of VPM. The Parliament Election followed by the Investiture ceremony inculcate Civic sense among the students and they get along with the role of campaigning in election ,polling booth, ballot paper, ballot box etc .

Thus, each child is an Ember under the ashes. A real and experienced hand can wipe out the ash from that ember without burning her hand and thus help the ember to glow and shine and to form the fire. Let me conclude my words by this verse.

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep
  But I have promises to keep,
  And Miles to go before I sleep
  And Miles to go before I sleep……….”

Thank You and best wishes.

Mrs. Ajitha Nair