Drug Abuse & Addiction
The problem of drug abuse and addiction among youth is increasing rapidly. Many teenagers and young adults are using drugs, and the problem is spreading to various age groups, especially those aged 16 to 25.
Why do teens get influenced to use drugs?
There are many reasons why teens and young adults use drugs. Some do it to fit in, while others do it to escape from problems or to feel better. Still others are addicted to drugs and cannot stop using them.
What are the major reasons for drug influence among the youth?
The major reasons for drug influence among the youth are:
- Peer pressure: Teens are often influenced by their peers to use drugs. They may feel like they have to use drugs in order to fit in or be accepted.
- Stress: Teens often experience a lot of stress, and they may use drugs as a way to cope with it.
- Boredom: Teens may use drugs as a way to relieve boredom or to have fun.
- Mental health problems: Teens who have mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety, may be more likely to use drugs.
How can parents prevent their teens from drug addiction?
There are a number of things that parents can do to prevent their teens from becoming addicted to drugs. These include:
- Talk to your teen about drugs: Talk to your teen about the dangers of drugs and why they should avoid them.
- Set rules and boundaries: Set clear rules and boundaries for your teen about drug use.
- Be a good role model: Be a good role model for your teen by not using drugs yourself.
- Get involved in your teen’s life: Get involved in your teen’s life and be there for them.
- Get help if you need it: If you are struggling to talk to your teen about drugs or if you think your teen is using drugs, get help from a professional.
How can the youth educate the society about this menace?
The youth can play a role in educating the society about the dangers of drug abuse and addiction. They can do this by:
- Talking to their friends and family about drugs: Talk to your friends and family about the dangers of drugs and why they should avoid them.
- Volunteering for drug prevention organizations: Volunteer for drug prevention organizations in your community.
- Speaking out against drug use: Speak out against drug use in your community and in the media.
- Writing letters to your elected officials: Write letters to your elected officials about the need for more funding for drug prevention programs.
The problem of drug abuse and addiction among youth is a serious problem. It is important for parents, educators, and the community to work together to prevent drug abuse and addiction among youth. By working together, we can help to create a drug-free future for our youth.
By Sarvesh Sriram 10thA
Good you are aware about drug addiction and spreading the awareness , good job
All should work together to remove this addiction from the society
Good write up Sarvesh, a burning issue u chose to take up in this difficult times of stress and pressure… keep the good work going .👏🏻👏🏻
To, Sarvesh
It was a nice article on Drug Abuse by you. Myself also learned some points so that I can utilise it for my Son who is now 12 years of age
Keep posting on some more important social problems
All the best
Nilesh Ahire
well written and good communication to parents and public
Very well written and explained
A problem that endangers the Society, an evil that needs to be curbed immediately. You have aptly written about it and I hope your post reaches far and wide and makes people stay away from this menace. Thanks for this.
Fantastic awareness and excellent analysis of the current situation. Spread the message even further and help the human race live a life free of substance abuse. Very well done.
Dear Sarvesh,
Very thoughtfully penned. Something to read, digest and implement by atleast sharing.
Your thoughts echo our feelings also. Looking forward to more learnings.
Good going Sarvesh in penning down your thoughts on the drug menace. There should definitely be a program to educate our Youth on this issue as they are pillars of our beautiful country. All the Best!!
Very well written Sarvesh. Drugs are a major issue in our society and can impact the future of our society . Spreading Awareness and showing compassion towards the people impacted along with proper rehabilitation are crucial to get them back to mainstream. All the best.
Good work Sarvesh, very well written article. Glad to know students like you have clear thoughts on how to address the burning issue.
Well written Sarvesh. Very pertinent points and rightly said that this problem needs to be tackled at home first. Very articulate
Sarvesh liked your article. As you grow you need to be on the field educating/motivating people to stay away from drugs.
Wishing you well.
Kudos on writing this blog. Well articulated points on why teens fall into the drug menace and how to spot and disengage teens from it. Your work demonstrates a good understanding of the subject and insightful perspectives. Well done!
Excellent write up on drug abuse . Thoughtful presentation by a budding adult is really commendable.Please keep it up.
With blessings
Wonderful article ..keep up sarvesh
Aa a physical rehabilitation therapist myself, I believe relying on drugs to cure ones pain is absolutely not the solution. Instead try out non invasive and non-toxic measures such as exercises, yoga, dance, etc to have much better results and a fantastic life ahead. I appreciate your efforts in highlighting the ill effects of using or taking drugs. Kudos to you Sarvesh.
Sarvesh, very well written. Hope this article becomes an eye opener for today’s generation. Looking forward to seeing more such articles in future too. Best wishes.
Manali Akerkar
You express your thoughts pretty well Sarvesh & your research on the issue that breaks one’s life is complete and thorough.
Keep making a positive difference to society by your impactful research, analysis and writing skills in future too.
All the best 👍
Hi Sarvesh, good job in spreading the awareness and coming up with this beautiful blog. Good luck and stay blessed!