Icon for So Many Saplings

Thank you for the warm welcome and the kind gesture
It was US taking back with us all the positive energy from this kingdom of VPM
It truly has enormous potential and will bring out great stars for the betterment of our society and our nation
You have proven yourself to be an icon for so many new saplings , they applauded with your message to them.
Nirupa mam, Ajitha mam, and all the dignitaries are so much dedicated and kind. All of them were very courteous and very nicely spoken people.
It was a grand event very well conceptualised and well implemented.
All the Kids were full of enthusiasm and they were all so happy
The annual magazine was a great read and reflecting the impact it has made on the lives of children and their families.
Loved the way it is creating opportunities for all of them.
Wishing VPM grand success and best wishes for all the upcoming events and more success ahead

By Dr Neeta Maske (Chief guest)

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