Good School With Great Teachers
“Good school need a great teachers” yes this is absolutely true and we have just experience the same in vpm school i took admission my child in ORCHIDS international he spent there 3 days after that duration he said i don’t want to go school because he was missing the vpm teachers. Specially Nikita teacher, (sst)Shubhangi teacher (Marathi),shamal teacher, Sunita teacher Hindi, suvidha teacher maths and Maria and jairam sir also Durgesh sir(Science) and special activities Teachers. He miss all his teachers and we acknowledge the same so we decide to continue with vpm. All teachers and sir also specially Ajitha ma’am welcome him by both hands and we feel really as a parents we just want to thank you and appreciated to all teachers of vpm school. This we think is a big rewards from students that students even went another school he miss old teachers so must say really appreciated and last but not least Shubhangi potphode ma’am thank u all your guidance
Sukhada Patil
Sakshat Patil’s Mother Std 6A (2023-2024
This is the Best School in Mulund – Nitin Kamath ( Parent of Sanika Kamath Std 4th A)