
Report on Std Xth Results 2019-2020-VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund (E)

Overall result of STD Xth of CBSE board is 100%  Toppers of the school 1st rank Miss Pooja Samant (486/500…..97.2%) 2nd rank Mast Deep Jeste (481/500….96.2%) 3rd rank Mast Soorya Sivaramakrishnan (477/500…95.4% 16 students scored above 90%. 17 students scored with distinction 11 students scored first class VPM is the only CBSE school in Mulund…


Mast.Soham Kulkarni of Std.VIII A was awarded 1st Prize at Inter-School Chess Tournament 2019-20–VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund

Master Soham Kulkarni Class VIII A was awarded with Trophy and Certificate for bagging 1st Prize at Inter-School Chess Tournament organized by Chessbrainz


Miss AadyaShetty and Miss Shreya R. Class IX- B won consolation prize in The Hindu Young World Painting Competition 2019-20–VPM’S B R Tol English High School, Mulund

Miss AadyaShetty and Miss Shreya R. Class IX- B won consolation prize in The Hindu Young World Painting Competition held at Fort on 9th January, 2020.


Gandhi Nirvan Diwas or Martyr’s Day 2019-20 was celebrated by Rotary Club on 30th January 2020–VPM’s B R Tol English High School , Mulund

Gandhi Nirvan Diwas or Martyr’s Day was celebrated by Rotary Club on 30th January, Girlsof class IX-A and IX- B won cash prize of Rs.700/- for singing 2 patriotic songs on the spot.  


Ms Maitree Jani Std. VII-A got 1st prize in DevvaniParichay Examination 2019-20–VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund

Miss Maitree Jani Std. VII-A got 1st prize in DevvaniParichay Examination organized by  Sanskrit bharti Konkon prant in the year 2018-2019. Result declared in 2019-20 on 30th January, 2020.


1st Prize at Inter-School Wall Painting Competition organized by D.A.V.Public School 2019-20– VPM’s B R Tol English High School , Mulund

Bagged 1st Prize at Inter-School Wall Painting Competition organized by D.A.V.Public School,  Airoli on 18th January, 2020 under HUB of learning Program.


Consolation Prizes at YOUNG WORLD PAINTING COMPETITION 2019-20—VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund

THE HINDU organised  YOUNG WORLD PAINTING COMP. at BSE  Mumbai. Two fo our students viz Ms. AADYA SHETTY Ms. SHREYA R of Std.9B got Consolation Prize. Around 500 students from different schools participated in this competition and B R Tol students have made the school proud by receiving the Consolation Prizes.