Report on Christmas Celebrations 2020-2021–VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund (E)

Report on Christmas celebration…,..
Every year VPM s B R Tol English high school celebrate Christmas party on 24 th December. But I am very excited to say that thi ins year celebration proved to be very special for the school children and the whole VPM family.
The special attraction of this year was the wonder girl, Miss Swaralee ,from Euro school, Iroli.She is just at 10 year,but read all volumes of Harry potter series…. Not only once but 11 times in such short span of 10 years. She was introduced by our Joint secretary of VPM , Adv Vijay Kulkarni.

The program was very well planned.Our English teacher Mrs Ajitha did very effective and commanding comparing and shouldered the responsibility of carrying full program very smoothly. It started with melodious prayer rendered by Devashree Ambekar,7 th A.Mrs Nikita Masurkar spoke on importance of reading in students life.

Miss Heta gave a very brief introduction of today’s tiny guest of the program Miss Swaralee Shrinathan.
in precised language. Then Mrs Ajitha teacher started interactive session between the students of 5 to 8 th class and Miss Swaralee. The students from std 5 started their questions with much enthusiasm and swaralee answered it without any excitement in her calm and sweet voice. Consequently 6,7,8th std students asked her about the characters of Harry Potter, about her favourite characters in it, her motivation to have read it 11times, and her interest in other activities with gadgets etc etc. For all the queries the girl answered without blinking her eyes and without a second thought. The answers were flowing spontaneously if it was yes or no there was a balance in her body language and behaviour.

The highly talented prodigy proved herself that she is really an all rounder by rendering the shlokas from bhagwad gita and even carnatic music.

As she expressed her mother being her motivater with our request, her mother also shared her experience as this little one demanded only a membership in a library before the lockdown period. Her reading habit is not forced but it is inborn. Not only the students but also we teachers were also inspired and motivated by this young child. Our respected management member Vijay Kulkarni sir shared his experience on challenging her 6months ago and his son Varun also shared his experience on Swaralee. The cherry on the cake of this program was the entry of swaralee’s grandmother Mrs. Vimala madam. From the audience side VPM airoli madam, The principal Mrs. Sandhya and RJ SHAH College vice principal Kavita Sharma, Mr. Dominic the english professor from Junior college and the junior college principal Archana madam also expressed their wonder and excitement and wished her the best. As a token of love the principal of BRTOL HIGH SCHOOL Shubhangi Potpode gifted her two books. The program ended with vote of thanks by Mrs. Ajitha with a happy new year.

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