
Report on Christmas Celebrations 2020-2021–VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund (E)

Report on Christmas celebration…,.. Every year VPM s B R Tol English high school celebrate Christmas party on 24 th December. But I am very excited to say that thi ins year celebration proved to be very special for the school children and the whole VPM family. The special attraction of this year was the…


Aviation Quiz Contest 2020-2021 awarded to Mast Darsh Haria–VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund (E)

Mast Darsh Haria was awarded certificate of participation in the Online Aviation Quiz contest held on 19DEc 2020 on the occasion of AVIATION DAY CELEBRATION. MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Hearty congratulations dear Darsh !!!???? Keep it up. Special congratulations for securing position in first 100,among thousands. You have opened an account for VPM s B…