Report on Std Xth Results 2019-2020-VPM’s B R Tol English High School, Mulund (E)
- Overall result of STD Xth of CBSE board is 100%
- Toppers of the school
- 1st rank Miss Pooja Samant (486/500…..97.2%)
- 2nd rank Mast Deep Jeste (481/500….96.2%)
- 3rd rank Mast Soorya Sivaramakrishnan (477/500…95.4%
- 16 students scored above 90%.
- 17 students scored with distinction
- 11 students scored first class
VPM is the only CBSE school in Mulund East, Mumbai
- Subject wise highest score
- English….97/100
- Marathi.,…99/100
- Hindi………96/100
- Sanskrit…..99/100
- French…….99/100
- Mathematics….100/100
- Science…..95/100
- So.sci…….100/100