Annual Day 2019-20–VPM’s English Primary School, Mulund

Vpm english primary school annual day 17.12 .19

To enhance the talents vpm’s primary school celebrated its annual day on 17th dec 2019 at the school premises. The theme of the programme was “ rainbow”.

The event started with a warm welcome followed by lighting the lamp by chief guest Dr Sudhindra Kulkarni ,
Dr P M Kamath, chairman of vidya prasarak mandal , principal sir Dr S P Shenoy and other dignitaries.

A speech was given by the chief guest to advise students to have proper diet and remain physically fit. The Principal, Dr S P Shenoy gave a school report. Our respected chairman Dr P M Kamat praised Mrs Lakshmi More teacher for her hard work in training the students for geeta chanting competition. He also announced an endowment prize will be given by Dr Sudhindra Kulkarni for the best elocution competition in Std IV.

Prize distribution ceremony was conducted to felicitate and recognise the talent of the students in various fields.
Dr sudhindra kulkarni MD ( med) DM ( endo) consultant. , Dr P M Kamath chairman , Shri Pramod Mulgund, Hon.Gen. Secretary Adv.Vijay Kulkarni, Shri N M Gudi, Dr S P Shenoy Principal gave away the prizes . Mast Arnav Patil was selected as the best students from primary school for achieving excellence in academic as well as co-curricular activities.

Cultural programme was been followed where students performed various dance. The annual day programme ended with a vote of thanks to the chief guest for sparing his valuable time to attend this function.

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